What About Our Kids?

What About Our Kids? (USA 2024) features clinicians, educators and a diverse group of teens offering observation and information on the realities of coming of age in a post-COVID world. They provide research on the impact of technology and social media, and share therapeutic responses that can help parents and caregivers to help their kids navigate the challenges of making it safely through adolescence 2023+. The goal of the program is to provide accepted, useful, big-picture information contributed by qualified practitioners that is designed to inform, inspire, and empower viewers.

United We Are Dreaming

United We Are Dreaming (USA 2022, 52 minutes) presents important pieces of the stories of five Dreamers, young people brought to the U.S. as small children by undocumented parents. The U.S. is the only country they know but in the absence of immigration reform they remain in legal limbo, despite being lifelong residents now with careers and American-born children. Protected only by Presidential Executive Order (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA) collectively, these stories offer a clear and compelling picture of the impact that America’s long fractured immigration system is having on these de facto Americans, their families, employers and, by extension, the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants now living in the U.S…with more arriving every day.

| P.O. Box 7769 | Wilmington, DE 19803 | Contact: 302.429.0303 | Info@teleduction.com | See 400+ stories at ContentDelaware.org |